Privacy Policy

1- Who is responsible for processing your data?

The person responsible for the processing of the data and holder of the website It is Match Projects International, SL (hereafter Matchwalls), with address located in C/ Catalunya 9 08860 Castelldefels - Barcelona (Spain) and with CIF70959283

Matchwalls is also the holder of the following domains 


Matchwalls has adopted all the technical and organizational measures necessary to meet the demands of current data protection regulations, especially the General EU data protection regulations.

Contact data in relation to data protection are as follows:

              (+34) 675916340


2- What type of personal data do we try and for what purpose?

2.1. Types of personal data we treat

We can collect and process the following categories of personal data:

  1. Name, treatment, gender, in case of professionals and company to which it belongs.
  2. Your address, telephone and email.
  3. Information collected when using our websites, applications and other digital media. Data from bought products or contracted services.
  4. When visiting our website, we can register your IP address, browser type, operating system, website of origin and web navigation behavior.
  5. We can receive an automatic notification when opening a newsletter.
  6. We can also receive your data from your location when you connect to our website through its acceptance of cookies
  7. Information related to social networks.

Depending on your social network settings we can receive information from your social network supplier. For example, when identified with a social network account to use our services, we can receive your social network profile including contact data, interests and contacts. For more information about the personal data we receive from your social network supplier and how to modify the configuration, see the website and privacy policy of your social network supplier.

8. Information you choose to share with us.

You can choose to share information with us, for example, by putting a comment on LinkedIn or other RRSS.

2.2. Your personal data will only be used for the following purposes:

Perform administrative and commercial procedures that are necessary.

Contact you to process your consultations or manage your orders.

Send commercial communications, in case you have expressly consented to the sending of such communications electronically.

Communicate with you to respond to your consultations and process your complaints.

Likewise, the data collected during their navigation are treated with the aim of providing access to the online web content, as well as attending the applications of the web users, keeping a registration of visits statistical (IP addresses, data from the data of the Navigator, country, accessed page, etc.) for the purpose of facilitating better services and products, optimizing our offer and providing a more effective customer service and improving the design and content of our websites.

In case of completing any of the existing forms on the web or others, it will be necessary to facilitate certain personal data, which will be treated for the purpose for which they are requested.

According to the LSSICE, we inform you that Matchwalls does not perform spam practices, therefore, it does not send commercial emails by e-mail if you do not have the necessary legitimation. In any case, you will always have the possibility of withdrawing your consent to receive our communications.

We will not deal with your personal data for any other purpose of those described except for legal obligation or judicial requirement.

You will not be the object of decisions based on automated treatments that produce effects on your data.

3- What is the legitimation for the processing of your data?

The legal basis that legitimizes the process any of our personal data collection forms.

In case you acquire some of our products or hire our services, a contractual relationship between you and matchwalls will be generated that will constitute the legal basis that will legitimize the processing of your personal data for the execution of said contractual relationship, as well as, where appropriate, compliance with the corresponding legal obligations.

In case you do not facilitate your personal data or in case you do not accept this privacy policy, Matchwalls will not carry out the processing of your personal data, but you can also assume the impossibility of receiving information from our Matchwalls products and services And, in any case, to hire our services or acquire our products.

Commercial Information:

Any communication referred will be incorporated into the Matchwalls information systems.

In the event that you provide your personal data and accept this Privacy Policy, the user expressly consents to Matchwalls to carry out the following activities and/or actions, unless the user indicates otherwise:

  • The sending of informative and/or promotional communications in response to its request for information by any means that has provided us.

If you send personal information through a means of communication other than those indicated on this website or by any other means provided by Matchwalls, it will be exempt from responsibility in relation to the security measures available to the environment in question.

4- Term of conservation How long will we keep your data?

The personal data that provides us will be kept during the time necessary to manage the information you request, as well as to manage the services that you request or, for the fulfillment of any contract that is generated between matchwalls and you or third parties, or compliance of the legal obligations that affect us.

The personal data of our workers will be preserved during the time that its employment relationship lasts with Matchwalls and, subsequently, during the legally planned deadlines.

Once the data has met the needs for which they were collected we will erase them definitively. However, we will keep your data more time in case it is necessary for the fulfillment of legal or registration obligations. Likewise, it may be necessary to keep them during the time necessary for the prescription of the contractual or legal responsibilities that are generated.

The data that facilitates us to initiate a selection process will be kept for a maximum period of one year. Subsequently, if it has not been incorporated into Matchwalls or is not within a selection process they will be eliminated and we will not keep a copy.

5- What recipients will your data communicate?

Within Matchwalls your personal data will be treated by duly authorized personnel, and, if necessary or practical to comply with the purposes indicated above, they may be treated, where appropriate, by third parties.

The recipient categories to whom your personal data can communicate are the following:

  1. Third parties appointed in charge of treatment, such as IT suppliers, consultants and advisors and other companies that provide auxiliary services;
  2. Social network suppliers. 
  3. Public entities and organizations, exclusively in order to comply with the corresponding legal obligations.
  4. Other suppliers to which, in your case, your personal data, such as financial institutions, insurance, among others, can be assigned.

In any case, all of them will have signed, with prior character, the corresponding confidentiality commitment following our instructions in accordance with the current regulations for the protection of personal data, will be submitted to the duty of professional secrecy or will act in compliance with a legal obligation.

The information that you provide so much through this website will be housed on the servers of Matchwalls.

6.- What are your rights when you provide your data?

If you want to exercise the rights that the data protection regulations grant you, please send us an e mail to the following address  putting in the matter the right you want to exercise and attaching a copy of your National Identity or Passport document.

The rights that current regulations recognize and that, where appropriate, may exercise are:

Right of access to data:

You have the right for Matchwalls to communicate whether or not they are dealing with your personal data, and in case the treatment is confirmed, it will enable your access by facilitating the following information:

  • The purposes of treatment.
  • The data categories in question. 
  • The data conservation term or criteria.

Data rectification right:

You will have the right to rectify your data when you are inaccurate or incomplete by an additional rectificary statement.

Data suppression right:

The interested party will have the right for Matchwalls to suppress his data, when:

  • The treatment is illicit.
  • The interested party has retired his consent.
  • They are no longer necessary in relation to the aims for which they were collected or treated.
  • The interested party has exercised the right of opposition and do not prevail other legitimate reasons for treatment.
  • The data must be suppressed to fulfill a legal obligation of Matchwalls.

The interested party will not have the right for Matchwalls to suppress his data when the treatment is necessary:

  • To exercise the right to freedom of expression and information.
  • To fulfill a legal obligation of Matchwalls.
  • For the formulation, exercise or defense of claims.
  • For public interest based on current legislation for public health reasons or for historical, statistical or scientific research purposes.

Data portability right:

You have the right for Matchwalls to transmit your data to another person in charge of treatment or to the same interested one, through a structured format for usual use and mechanical reading, when the treatment is made by automated means and is based on:

  • The consent of the interested party for specific purposes.
  • The execution of a contract or pre -contract with the interested party.

The right to data portability will not apply when:

  • Be technically impossible transmission.
  • It may negatively affect third -party rights and freedoms.
  • The treatment has a public interest mission based on current legislation.

Treatment limitation right:

The interested party will have the right to oppose the processing of your data made by Matchwalls for reasons related to your particular situation, when the treatment is based on:

  • Direct marketing.
  • Preparation of profiles.
  • Legitimate interest of the person in charge or third parties, provided that the interests and freedoms of the interested party do not prevail, especially if he is a child.
  • Historical, statistical or scientific research, unless the treatment is necessary for reasons of public interest.

Even if the interested party opposes the processing of your data, Matchwalls will be able to continue treating them as long as their legitimate interest impersonates the interests or rights and freedoms of the interested party in a judicial procedure that justifies it.

Matchwalls must inform the interested party of the right to oppose the processing of your data explicitly, clear and separated from any other information, at the time of the first communication.

Right of opposition:

It is the right to do not take the treatment of these or cease in it when your consent for treatment is not necessary, by the concurrence of a legitimate and founded reason, referred to your specific personal situation, which justifies it , and whenever a law does not provide otherwise.

Right not to be subject to profile elaboration:

The interested party will have the right not to be the subject of profiles whose purpose is to adopt individual decisions based on an automated data processing and aimed at evaluating, analyzing or predicting the following personal aspects:

  • Professional performance.
  • Economic situation
  • Health.
  • Personal preferences or interests.
  • Reliability.
  • Behavior.
  • Location or movements of the person.

When profile elaboration is based only on an automated treatment:

  • The interested party will have the right to be informed if the decision that may be taken can produce legal effects that affect it significantly.

The interested party will have the right to obtain human intervention by Matchwalls, to express their point of view and to challenge the decision, if the treatment has been authorized by:

  • The explicit consent of the interested party.
  • A contract between Matchwalls and the interested party.

The right will not be applied not to be subject to profiles when the decision that may be taken as a result of it is authorized by:

  • The explicit consent of the interested party.
  • A contract between Matchwalls and the interested party.
  • A treatment based on current legislation.


In case you consider that Matchwalls has violated some of your rights protected by personal data protection regulations or that it has violated any obligation in terms of protection of personal data, it has the right to submit a claim to the competent control authority That in Spain is the Spanish Agency for Data Protection Sita on Jorge Juan Street, 6. 28001 - Madrid.

Tel. 901 100 099 - 912 663 517

You can also file an electronic claim through the electronic headquarters that is available on your website 

8-Legislation and jurisdiction

This Privacy Policy is governed by each and every one of your ends by Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council, of April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of natural persons in regard to to the processing of personal data and to the free movement of these data.

It is also governed by Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the protection of personal data and guarantee of digital rights. Likewise, our website is governed by Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce.

The users of this website are subject to Spanish legislation and jurisdiction to which they are expressly submitted, being competent for the resolution of all conflicts derived or related to its use the courts and courts of Barcelona.

9-Additional information

Social Networks (Privacy Policy)

We inform you that Matchwalls can have a presence on social networks Tik Tok, IG, LinkedIn, YouTube, Pinterest. The processing of the data carried out by the people who become followers on social networks (and/or perform any link or connection action through social networks) of the official Matchwalls pages will be governed by this section , as well as for those conditions of use, privacy policies and access regulations that belong to the social network that proceed in each case and previously accepted by the user.

Matchwalls will deal with your data with the purpose of correctly managing your presence on the social network, informing you of activities, products or services of the provider, as well as for any other purpose that the regulations of social networks allow.

Content publication is prohibited:

  • That are allegedly illicit by national, community or international regulations or that perform allegedly illicit activities or contravene the principles of good faith.
  • That they threaten the fundamental rights of the people, they lack the courtesy in the network, bother or can generate negative opinions in our users or third parties and in general any are the contents that Matchwalls considers inappropriate.
  • And in general that the principles of legality, honesty, responsibility, protection of human dignity, protection of minors, protection of public order, protection of private life, consumer protection and intellectual and industrial property rights.

Likewise, Matchwalls reserves the power to withdraw, without prior notice of the website or the corporate social network those contents that are considered inappropriate.

Communications submitted through social networks will be incorporated into a file owned by Matchwalls, being able to send information of your interest.

In any case, if you send personal information through the social network, Matchwalls will be exempt from responsibility in relation to security measures applicable to this platform, the user must in case of wanting to meet them, consult the corresponding particular conditions of The network in question.

Security measures:

The data that facilitates will be confidentially. Matchwalls has adopted all technical and organizational measures and all the levels of protection necessary to guarantee the security in the processing of the data and avoid its alteration, loss, theft, unauthorized treatment or access, according to the state of technology and Nature of stored data. Likewise, it is also guaranteed that the treatment and registration in files, programs, systems or equipment, premises and centers meet the requirements and conditions of integrity and safety established in current regulations.


The language applicable to this privacy policy is Spanish. Therefore, in case there was any contradiction in any of the versions provided in other languages, the Spanish version will prevail.


This privacy policy has been updated for the last time in March 2024 But it can be updated at any time. We recommend that you consult every time you access our page in case you have suffered alterations.